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Margaret Wix Primary School

9. How will I be involved in discussions about and planning for my child’s education?

There are a range of ways you as the parent/carer will be included in the discussions and planning to support your child: -

  • Regular communication from your child’s class teacher
  • Parent teacher consultations where parents are involved in discussions about their child’s education
  • ‘open door’ policy where parents are usually able to speak to a teacher before or after school
  • Telephone calls
  • Email via the school office
  • Workshops where parents/carers can be included
  • Parents are also represented by elected parent governor members on the governing body
  • Termly reviews for children with APDRs.
  • Annual review meetings with parents and professions of children with an EHCP
  • An annual questionnaire is sent out to ascertain parent voice surrounding the provision of inclusion at Margaret Wix and this is used to inform next steps and celebrate what we are doing well.
  • The SENCO can be contacted by phone, email or by drop in when she is available.