Margaret Wix Primary School
The school has an amount identified within its overall budget called the notional SEND budget. This is used for resources to support the progress of pupils with SEND. This is used to employ TAs to meet the needs of children with SEND, buy specialist equipment, books or stationery or provide specialised training for staff.
Some children may have specific needs that are set out in an EHCP. Resources are then allocated to ensure the appropriate support and agencies are involved to meet the child’s needs. All children with an EHCP will be given a funding ‘band' (Targeted, Targeted+, Specialist, Specialist+) and will be known as High Needs Funding (HNF). Some of these funding bands will have an amount of money allocated to support schools with meeting the needs outlined in the EHCP, in some cases these might be through specific resources or training for staff or by direct time with an adult on a small group basis.
Where a pupil requires provision which exceeds the nationally prescribed threshold additional, top-up funding can be applied for through the local authority. This top up funding is called ‘Local High Needs Funding’ (LHNF) and can be applied for by the school for children with severe and complex needs on a monthly basis. The school are responsible for applying for the funding and managing the budget. Personal resources meetings involve parents and professionals, and the school is responsible for making reasonable adjustments for the children.