Margaret Wix Primary School
Pe days
P.E. lessons will take place on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Children should come into school wearing their PE kit on Tuesday and Thursday. There is no need to bring a change of clothes. Please ensure the children are wearing kit that complies with the school uniform policy in order that they can take part successfully.
Reading and library days
Cardinals Class will visit the school library on Wednesday afternoons. The children will have an opportunity to change their sharing book and their practise book. Please ensure the children bring both books to school on daily. It is expected that children read for a minimum of 10 minutes daily and this should be recorded in their reading record. Please visit the reading star at the top of this page where you find lots of useful information about how you can support you child when reading at home.
Home learning
Home learning will be sent home on Friday and should be returned by the following Wednesday. Home learning will involve some spelling practise and other questions or tasks that are directly related to learning that is taking place in class. Home learning should take no longer than 30 minutes each week.
Using, your child can practise their handwriting at home. There are desktop and tablet login details that can be found by clicking on the writing star at the top of the page.
In school, we will teach the children spelling patterns and rules. At home, we would like the focus to be on learning and practising the Year 3 and 4 statutory spellings (you can find these by clicking on the spelling star at the top of this page)
Maths Magicians
As well as 10 minutes daily reading, this year, we are launching a brand new maths initiative, called ‘Maths Magicians!’, focusing on supporting pupils to learn key mathematical facts that are essential to understand more complex concepts. Children across the school will be expected to work towards knowing and remembering the key facts for their year group, which have been identified on the parent information sheet linked below. Of course, children will be taught these in class, but it is important that they practise these at home too. Please practise the relevant facts for 10 minutes each day and sign the maths record when this is completed each day. There are 12 stages for the children to work through each term, with a quiz each Friday. Successful completion of quizzes will result in prizes being awarded in our weekly celebration assembly.
Thank you for your ongoing support
Autumn 2 Update
Autumn 2 has been a very busy time for Cardinals learning to work together as a team and using our learning powers. Children have enjoyed many special activities including Aspirational day when they were able to meet a range of entrepreneurs from backgrounds.
They also took part in anti-bullying week and learnt the importance of staying safe online.
In Maths, children have been learning addition and subtraction using a range of resources and formal written methods. They have learnt language to solve worded problems with missing numbers and record their work using bar models and other pictorial representations to solve their calculations. Children have also been learning to secure their vital maths skills using Math Magicians including number bonds to 100, halves, doubles, quarters, thirds and multiplications.
In English, children have been revising spellings and grammar skills to be able to write confidently. They started the second half-term with using different texts including: ‘The Magic Box’ (poetry), Incredible Jobs’ and Fables. They thoroughly enjoyed writing in these styles and had great pleasure in sharing their work with their parents during wondrous writing week. They also did an excellent extended writing piece which was our cross-curricular link with Geography in which they were learning about ‘Earthquakes.’ This allowed children to be confident with the knowledge to be able to write a non-chronological report using key facts and vocabulary in this topic.
Our science topic this half-term was Rocks. Children have enjoyed working scientifically and sorting rocks using different criteria. They have been learning how rocks are formed and which rocks are man-made. Children have been understanding the importance of a fair test when carrying out an experiment. They have tested the solubility of soils and have looked at the durability of different rocks. They have studied the three main types of rocks: igneous, metamorphic, and sedimentary and how they form the rock cycle.
In Geography, children have been learning about earthquakes and looking at countries which are prone to earthquakes. They have been learning how certain countries have more earthquakes due to their geographical position: sitting on tectonic plates. They have studied how richer countries are much more prepared with stable building structures, regular drills and trained search and rescue teams in comparison to poorer countries. Children have used a range of resources including maps, globes and atlases to locate countries which sit around the ring of fire. They really enjoyed learning about the layers of the earth and how volcanoes are formed.
Computing lessons have been focusing on ‘Stop-frame Animation.’ Children have been using digital devices to create media, exploring how they can create moving images. They have been learning to apply skills to create a story-based animation by creating simple stories using a story board. They added different types of media to their animation such as music and text.
During RE, children have been trying to answer the question: ‘Has Christmas lost its true meaning?’ They have written about what Christmas means to them or not. They have revisited the Nativity story and learnt how Advent links to Christmas. We also visited Christ Church where Reverend Jeremy discussed why Christmas is so important.
In French, Children have been learning the names of ten different animals and using the correct determiner with it. They have used role play and quizzes to consolidate their learning for the whole term.
In PSHE, children have been learning the importance of learning to use a step-by-step approach to solving conflicts and talking to adults for support. Children have learnt about tolerance and the importance of celebrating differences.
Our PE focus this half-term has been Tag rugby and gymnastics. In tag rugby children have learnt the importance of working as team to score a try. In gymnastics, children have worked in pairs to perform different moves reflecting their partners in a controlled and synchronised way. They have created movements on the floor and using benches to perform.
In DT, Cardinals have been looking at design technology using electric circuits. They created electric posters based on their design brief. Children made their posters based on information about ‘The Rock Cycle’. This allowed them to transfer their cross-curricular knowledge from Science to DT.
In Art, children have been enjoying learning about ‘Cave Prehistoric Art.’ They have been using a range or materials to create cave art.
We have achieved so much this term and the children have been working extremely hard and are ready for a well-earned break.
Over the last few days children have been involved in festive activities such as decorating the class Christmas tree, making decorations and learning songs for the Christmas choir. We enjoyed a Christmas lunch, with our Christmas jumpers and hats.
It has been wonderful getting to know the children and supporting them with their learning and watching them grow in confidence. Have a wonderful break and see you in the New Year.
Mrs Khalid
Cardinals Year 3 Class Teacher
Autumn 1 has been a very busy time for Cardinals who have been learning to work together as a team, using our learning powers. Highlights this half term have included ‘Hello Yellow’ and Black History Month.
In maths, children have been learning about addition and subtraction using a range of resources and formal written methods. They have learnt language to support them in unpicking and solving worded problems with missing numbers and found out how to record their work using bar models and other pictorial representations.
In English, children have been revising spellings and grammatical skills previously taught and have shown that they can write confidently. They started this term focusing on the text, ‘Mini Rabbit Not Lost.’ This was used for reading and role play and also provided a model for narrative writing. Children thoroughly enjoyed writing in this style and had great pleasure in sharing their work with their parents during wondrous writing week. During the last week, we have been writing poetry. Children have been looking closely at features such as: alliteration, repetition, onomatopoeia, rhyme and free verse. Children have written their own poems in the style of ‘This Magic Box’.
Our science topic has been, ‘Light.’ Children have been carrying out investigations to help them to develop understanding of how shadows are formed and the way patterns change. They recognised we need light to see things and that dark is the absence of light. They have shown understanding of the importance of a fair test and collecting data to analyse the results.
In history, children have been studying the ‘Stone Age.’ They have been using primary and secondary sources to help them understand how the Palaeolithic, Mesolithic and Neolithic Age changed over time. Children were able to analyse artefacts, generate questions and make sensible suggestions that helped them to make sense of this era.
Computing lessons have been focusing on ‘Connecting Computers.’ Children have developed their understanding of digital devices, with an initial focus on inputs, processes, and outputs. They also compared digital and non-digital devices. Children were introduced to computer networks, including devices that make up a network’s infrastructure, such as wireless access points and switches. Finally, they discovered the benefits of connecting devices in a network.
During RE, children have been learning about Hinduism and how Diwali is celebrated. They have focused on theme of ‘belonging,’ and how it feels important to belong to a group and to be able to celebrate together.
In PSHE, our topic has been ‘Being Me in My world.’ Children have been reflecting on their self-worth and have been identifying positive things about their achievements. They have been learning to work together and understand the importance of the Learning Charter. Children have looked at different real-life scenarios to help develop the understanding of their rights and responsibilities.
In PE, children have been learning to play netball and tag rugby, with a focus on defending and attacking. They have learned relevant technical skills and explored various tactics associated with invasion games.
In art, children have been focusing on drawing abstract art where the subject did not necessarily look like it does in real life. They learned the importance of composition, using a range of shapes and images put together in a pleasing way.
In DT, children have been learning to design, make and evaluate wearable technology in the digital world. They used coding to programme a micro:bit in order to fit a design criteria. They have been learning to understand the impact of the digital revolution in the world and how technology has improved over time.
This term, in French we focused on developing phonetical knowledge. Children learned to greet each other, and say numbers to ten as well as colours. They used roleplay and games to consolidate their learning.
We have achieved so much this term, and the children have been working extremely hard; they are ready for a well-earned break. Please encourage children to continue to read daily during the half term. They should try and read the book loudly and with fluency.
Looking forward to seeing you all next half term; enjoy your break.
Mrs Khalid