Margaret Wix Primary School
Mrs Campbell-Pugh is the trained Mental Health first aider and will deliver Tier 1 Mental Health training to teaching staff through annual training refreshers in staff meetings.
Some pupils have social, emotional or mental health needs which may form barriers to their learning, confidence or well-being. A range of individual and group support is used at Margaret Wix to support pupils experiencing difficulties in these areas.
All classrooms have a ‘worry box’ for pupils to use, and pupils have safe spaces in their classrooms and around the school which allow them time away from situations to calm down. In addition, the school works closely with outside agencies to offer additional support where needed.
A NHS Educational Mental Health Practitioner runs ‘Emotional Regulation’ workshops for a targeted group of children once a week as well as offering targeted parental support through 1:1 work with adults.
All staff have had ‘Zones of Regulation’ training and this approach is used throughout the school.
Zoe Spear, a trained counsellor from SafeSpace, is in school one day a week to work 1:1 with targeted children.
In addition, we are developing links with NESSie ( ) to provide art therapy and counselling to support the positive mental health and emotional well-being of more children at Margaret Wix.
The school has a consistent therapeutic behaviour policy employing the Herts STEPS approach which all staff are trained in. Staff are proactive about preventing bullying and any other issues that can cause a negative impact on a child’s wellbeing. Actions are taken in line with the school’s behaviour and anti-bullying policy.
For some children, IRRPs are set up and tailored to their individual needs in line with the STEPs process. The Behaviour Policy and Anti-Bullying Policy are published on the school website The school adheres to the statutory guidance ’Supporting Pupils at School with Medical Conditions’ and all medication is kept in a secure place and is only administered by designated people. Individual health care plans are written for children with medical conditions and shared with all staff who work with the child. All children who require additional medical provision have a care plan which is reviewed at least annually and created in collaboration with medical professional advice.
It may be appropriate to seek specialist support from external agencies such as Educational Psychologists, Advisory Teachers, Speech and Language Therapists or Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services (CAMHS).
At Margaret Wix we work closely with outside agencies to ensure pupils’ needs are met. Other options could involve assembling a multi-professional group or Early Help Module to support the whole family in meeting a pupil’s needs. All referrals would be with the consent of parents or carers.