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Margaret Wix Primary School

Vision, Values and Ethos

Our vision, values and ethos are at the core of everything we do. They underpin our teaching and learning, and provide an environment which prepares our pupils as confident, happy citizens.




In our happy, caring community school, we at Margaret Wix Primary School:

  • have high expectations and we promote high standards of work and behaviour;
  • encourage adults and children to take a pride in and a responsibility for themselves, their behaviour, their achievements and their school 
  • value and respect our own and other cultures;
  • encourage care and respect for others;
  • enable every child to achieve their full potential through a broad, balanced, differentiated and interesting curriculum, including the requirements of the National Curriculum and life skills;
  • help children to develop lively, imaginative and enquiring minds, with the ability to question and justify their point of view;
  • encourage children to gain skills to live as independent, resourceful, self motivated adults;
  • develop cooperative working relationships between all pupils, staff, governors and parents;
  • encourage children to feel part of the school and foster links with the local community and show concern for their environment;
  • encourage children to take an active part in their learning and set themselves goals to work towards;
  • provide equal opportunities for all.


Most importantly! We remember that children are the centre of our focus, and that they provide along with the staff, parents and wider neighbourhood, a whole school community worthy of everyone’s education and support.

Our aim is that your child is happy in school within a positive learning environment.


The organisation of the school is designed to help children develop self discipline; empathy and respect for others. We expect good behaviour at all times within and outside school. We believe this leads to a positive learning environment. At Margaret Wix Primary School we do not tolerate bullying or racial harassment. The desired behaviour is promoted through a variety of strategies, with the emphasis being placed on positive behaviour. The children are expected to be polite and thoughtful towards others and adhere to the school’s ‘Learning Powers and Values’ which were designed and voted for by the children at our school.


Learning Powers and Values



Self belief


Respect for others


Our Monthly Learning Power Heroes
