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Margaret Wix Primary School

15. How is the decision made about how much support my child will receive?

Regular communication between parents, class teachers, pupils and the SENCO is key to supporting children thrive in their education. Some children will only require small reasonable adjustments for a fixed length of time whereas others might need longer term carefully planned support.


The amount and type of support offered to a pupil is determined by:

  • A detailed analysis of a pupil’s needs
  • Their stage of development including their attainment and progress
  • Their barriers to learning
  • Parental views
  • Pupil views
  • The class teacher’s views
  • Advice from specialists or outside agencies


Support is reviewed regularly with amendments being made as needed. Targeted precision teaching groups typically last between 1 and 2 terms with the emphasis being on early identification and targeted effective support to minimise any long term need for additional support. PSP targets and support are reviewed fortnightly with parents and SENCO. APDR targets and support are reviewed termly with the pupil, parents, class teacher and SENCO. EHCP targets and support are reviewed annually with parents, class teacher, SENCO and SEN officer when needed.

