Support Plan Glossary
There are different support plans available to children at Margaret Wix depending on their needs and these are referred to throughout this SEN information report. Below is an explanation of when and why a child may need each type of plan.
- Assess Plan Do Review (APDR) – An APDR is a target setting review progress which is reviewed termly with parents, pupil and the class teacher. Not all children on the SEN register require an APDR if it is felt that their needs are met with reasonable adjustments. The APDR model is laid out in Chapter 6 of the Code of Practice to identify and support SEN. Margaret Wix’s APDR is a written plan for children recorded as having SEN who either have had some targeted precision teaching but are continuing to make smaller steps of progress than their peers or have targets from external professionals. An assessment takes place which draws on the views of parents and the pupil as well as the teacher’s knowledge and experience of the pupil, their previous progress and attainment and their development in comparison to their peers. This ensures that any barriers to learning are identified, and effective provision and SMART targets suited to a pupil’s specific needs are put in place. These may be based on targets from external professionals. If a child has an EHCP, the APDR targets are smaller steps to meet the outcomes within the EHCP.
- Individual Support Plan (ISP) – ISPs are written at Margaret Wix for whole class overviews and for children with significant needs. An ISP summarises the needs of the whole class which is shared with new teachers, sports coaches, supply teachers and the music teacher. Individual children such as those with an EHCP have a separate ISP and this details a pupil’s areas of need and the support strategies they require. ISPs are shared with all staff who work with the child and are updated termly or as needed by the class teacher and SENCO.
- Health Care Plan (HCP)- Health care plans are written for children with medical conditions and shared with all staff who work with the child. These are reviewed annually or as and when needed. Where needed the school nursing team are involved in writing these types of plans.
- Pastoral Support Programme (PSP) – A PSP is a detailed plan drawn up between parents, school and where appropriate the pupil, when the pupil requires adjustments to their timetable. PSPs involve a senior member of staff, such as the SENCO or Head teacher. PSPs are reviewed fortnightly with the goal of improving behaviour and extending the pupils time in school.
- Individual Risk Reduction Plan (IRRP) – IRRPs are written by school for children who present a risk to themselves or others. IRRPs are a plan to manage this risk in a graduated way following the Hertfordshire STEPS approach and are shared with all staff working with the child. IRRPs list the behaviours a child presents with in school including pro-social behaviours and the actions and scripts staff use to respond to the behaviours the child is displaying. IRRPs are reviewed as and when needed.
- EHCP – Educational Health Care Plan (EHCP) - An EHCP is a Local Authority managed document, for children and young people with significant SEN. EHCPs are developed using coordinated assessments from all the services involved with the child or young person who have complex additional needs and require heavily differentiated provision. The plan focusses on outcomes and must say how services will work together to meet the needs of the child or young person. The overall purpose of an EHCP is to make educational provision meet the SEN of the child or young person, to secure the best possible outcomes for them across education, health and social care, and, as they get older, prepare them for adulthood. EHCPs are normally reviewed annually with the pupil, parents and all professionals involved with the child; early reviews can be requested by parents. The Local Authority has the ownership of the EHCP and not the school. Not all children with SEN will require an EHCP.