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Margaret Wix Primary School

8. How will you help me to support my child’s learning?

Communication between parents/carers and school staff is key to supporting any child with their development. Parents will speak to parents if they have concerns or feel some additional support at home might be beneficial for a specific child. As a parent/carer if you would like some more support to help your child at home with their learning, please do ask your child’s teacher or the school SENCO for their advice.


Parent’s Evenings are held each term to keep all parents fully informed of their child’s progress and an annual report is written for each pupil in the Summer Term. Children are set differentiated spellings and times tables fortnightly. For children with an APDR, parents and carers are invited into school termly to meet, discuss and review current progress, and to develop new plans in collaboration with the pupil, class teacher and SENCO. For children with a health care plan or EHCP these reviews take place annually. There may be more frequent communication for some pupils through the use of a home/school communication book, sticker chart, daily handover meeting or fortnightly PSP review meetings.


Parents are notified at the beginning of each term of the curriculum; curriculum information letters are sent home, displayed on the class parents’ notice board and available on the school website. These letters keep parents informed of which topics will be taught each term. In addition, parents are invited in to meet their child’s new teacher at the beginning of the Autumn term and information about the year is shared here. Workshops for parents are held throughout the year on many aspects of education and parents are invited to a class assembly annually. The school facilitates access to a Family Support Worker who has access to a wide range of support from local agencies and services and is able to signpost parents effectively. The SENCO and class teacher make themselves available to discuss parental concerns and support parents in ways of helping their child at home. Ideas and links are also shared on the class pages of the school’s website.
