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Margaret Wix Primary School

4. How will the learning and development provision be matched to my child’s needs?

All children have access to high quality teaching and differentiated learning to meet their specific learning needs. Teachers use assessment for learning daily as part of their good practice, and this directly impacts on planning for future lessons, matching teaching to children’s needs. Next step marking enables teachers and TAs to identify specific learning needs and targets for individual children, whilst explaining these targets to the child. Pupil progress meetings allow the SLT and class teachers to plan provision to meet individual needs and narrow gaps in their learning. Some children have additional targeted precision teaching, in the form of small group or individual teaching, to further support their needs. Whole class provision maps are created by class teachers as a working document to track the provision offered to the various ‘waves’ of children’s needs and are tailored to the learning requirements of each individual child.


For children requiring additional support to this, we use the Assess, Plan, Do and Review (APDR) an example of an APDR can been found on the school website model as laid out in Chapter 6 of the Code of Practice to identify and support SEN. An assessment takes place which draws on the views of parents and the pupil as well as the teacher’s knowledge and experience of the pupil, their previous progress and attainment and their development in comparison to their peers. This ensures that any barriers to learning are identified, and effective provision suited to a pupil’s specific needs is put in place. Pupils are consulted, at an age-appropriate level, throughout the process and are key to decisions about what support they feel will help them. In some instances, this will require referring a child to access a specialist support service. In consultation with parents, the SENCO can refer to a range of external support services in education and health to access appropriate assessments and guidance for individual pupils. For some SEND pupils with complex needs, in consultation with the parents, pupil, SENCO and class teacher, an Individual Support Plan (ISP) is made, an example of an ISP can been found on the school website. If a child’s needs are deemed to be above and beyond those that can be met with reasonable adjustments, the school will discuss with parents the possibility of applying to the local authority for Local High Needs Funding (see Q14) to further support their child.
