Margaret Wix Primary School
We value our partnership with all our stakeholders and seek feedback where possible to improve our practice and ensure that questions and queries are answered. Below is a collection of feedback from a variety of different events and visits over the course of 24-25.
Parental Feedback
Phonics Workshop for Year 1 - September 24
It was really helpful to learn how the teaching is structured and how how to support at home with phonics.
Thank you so much for letting us be part of their school journey - I love coming in to school.
Lots of useful information for homework.
Understanding what sound buttons are and a chance to ask questions - thank you.
Phonics Workshop for EYFS - September 24
A wonderful phonics information morning for our Reception parents. Great feedback received:
Very informative and interesting
Thank you so much for your valuable time
Comprehensive overview - encouragement to join up with home activities, play ideas etc
We are relieved, thrilled and happy that our daughter is here
Which websites to use and games to play
All very useful
Great session
Good videos to use at home
Lovely to see everything she is learning!
Really welcoming atmosphere
Understanding the term phoneme, grapheme etc.
Very informative and interactive
Very enjoyable - thanks to Mrs Ralph and Miss Stachg
Thank you to Mrs Ralph and Miss S for an awesome session
Phonics Workshop - October 2023
Parent Consultations - October 2023
At our parent consultations, we asked our parents and carers to fill out a survey about the school. As you can see below, this was overwhelmingly positive. This was completed by 100 of our 138 parents. 99 of these would recommend the school and 1 of the parents that responded did not know if they would recommend the school. We will not rest until 100% of our parents would recommend the school but we are extremely close and very happy with the results.
Please do remember to communicate with our parent/carer forum if there are any changes you would like to see. Alternatively contact our staff. We are always happy to help.
The comments received were lovely. Here is a snapshot of some of these:
Wondrous Writing Week - November 2023
Feedback from Wondrous Writing is flooding in. Please find some parental comments below:
Open Classrooms - December 2023
What I love about my child's books/child's learning:
What I have learnt through spending time in my child's classroom:
What my child could tell me about their learning:
What I love about Margaret Wix Primary School:
Please write below ways in which you think we could improve our parental engagement:
Share-a-story morning - EYFS - January 2024
Marvellous Maths Week - February 2024
During the course of the week, parents and carers have been invited to join us in our maths sessions and the comments have been brilliant and really useful. Here are a collection of these below:
Thanks for coming everyone and Miss Abbott will look carefully at your feedback forms and respond to any of the areas of development with actions as she sees fit.
Open Classrooms - February 2024
Once again, we opened our classrooms after school, so our parents and carers could enjoy a look at the learning environment and their children's books. It was a lovely occasion. Please find some of the feedback below.
What I love about my child's books/child's learning:
What my child could tell me about their learning:
What I love about Margaret Wix Primary School:
Please write below ways in which you think we could improve our parental engagement:
Physical Development - EYFS - Share and Learn
On Thursday, the parents and carers of our littlest learners got the opportunity to engage with a P.E. lesson taught by Mr Milbourn. The comments below are overwhelmingly positive and we are thankful that our families have the opportunity to learn alongside their child. The learning journey should be a shared experience between school, child and home and we are so grateful that engagement at the EYFS Share and Learn sessions is so strong. Please read the comments below.
What did you find useful about this morning?
It's lovely to see him in his school environment really enjoying himself
Was lovely seeing what my daughter gets up to in P.E.
Seeing how fun P.E. is made for the children
To see how the P.E. teacher engages all level of activities within the group and gets them involved
It was lovely to see how my daughter is getting on in her class and how her physical development is coming along especially as historically co-ordination has been difficult for her
Seeing how much fun the children have
Seeing what she's like in school. Seeing how much they have in P.E. Understanding more about their school routines
Lovely to see a P.E. lesson in action. Interesting to see how children are kept interested
Great to see him participating in groups and how he does physical activity under instruction
Great exercise and socialising!
Fun, with interation.
In regards to parental engagement, what have you enjoyed most this year?
I loved the music session
Have really enjoyed being able to watch my daughter in class and to see how much she enjoys it.
Photographs and open sessions
All of it. It's been lovely how much we have been allowed in and involved
I have loved being made so welcome and getting to know the school. I feel we've been given lots of varied opportunities yo feel involved in our children's school journey
I really enjoyed the music class
I have enjoyed all of them to be honest!
The regular opportunity to see what the children do and how they get taught. Also, for my daughter to show me her space and world at school
The phonics workshop
Seeing what the children get up to in lessons
It's been brilliant. We feel so engaged. My son is so happy in school.
Any other comments...
Thank you for everything
Excellent teachers
Fab EYFS Team!
Brilliant Mr Milbourn!
Thank you very much
It's really nice to see how the children are developing in all areas
Thank you for al the amazing effort you put in. We are so grateful
Please slow things down - not ready for Reception be over!
Thank you for the opportunity to join in with my daughter's learning
Open Classrooms - April 2024
What I love about my child's books/child's learning
I love the variety of activities and to see what she has been doing
Such good progress!
See their progress and the learning progress
I love seeing the improvement in my child's handwriting.
Seeing the progress from the start of the year.
What I have learnt through spending time in my child's classroom
How she is progressing with her handwriting and thinking and learning.
Greater understanding of their progress.
A happy environment
I've noticed substantial progress in my child's skills like spelling and English.
I have learnt how confident he has become and he is taking in everything the teacher is telling him.
I have more understanding about my child's school work.
Understanding work that he is doing and seeing how I can do more to help him at home.
What my child could tell me about their learning
She explained what she had been learning in each subject giving specific details when asked.
Their favourite subjects and what they need support with.
My child speaks fondly about his days at school and is always happy to explain what he has learned.
Lots! His recollection of each subject is amazing.
They love English.
He enjoys maths.
I can see my child is building in confidence.
What I love about Margaret Wix Primary School
How happy the children are, how well looked after they are, and the amazing resources and the incredible staff.
Best school in St Albans.
Fab school in general - supportive, inclusive and well led.
Not only have they provided excellent support with my daughter's academic progress, they also provide lessons in life skills
Everyone is friendly. Teachers always have time for chats.
The personal and individual approach to children.
Teacher and parent work closely with each other.
Everything! Such a great school!
I love that parents are involved in the child's learning.
Please write below ways in which you think we could improve our parental engagement
Keep doing what you're doing - we love it!
I couldn't think of many more ways to be included.
Nothing to add.
It's already very good.
Would love more pictures of specific work on Tapestry.
Tapestry tags only for the children in them.
Geography Deep Dive - November 2023
Linda Hardman, our schools effectiveness adviser, visited us to look at our geography provision. Please find snippets from her report below. I think you will agree that it reads brilliantly. Thank you to Mrs Watkins for leading the subject so brilliantly.
The school is advanced in its planning and implementation of a comprehensive geography curriculum for its learners. There is cohesion in progression from EYFS right through to the end of Key Stage 2. In addition there is a comprehensive plan for sustainability and outdoor learning which relates to geographical provision and opportunities in the school. End points for each phase of learning in geography have been clearly specified in terms of cultural capital, locational knowledge, place knowledge, human and physical geography and geographical skills and fieldwork. It is clear to see the explicit progression in sequential skills knowledge and understanding in geography through these summarised endpoints.
Children build upon prior learning in a systematic way. The deliberate teaching of geographical vocabulary is prioritised. This is exemplified in the geographical vocabulary document. This involves revisiting prior learning, undertaking retrieval tasks to reinforce the embedding of new vocabulary. It is highlighted in all the geography knowledge organisers which are also made accessible to the parents so that they can reinforce the learning at home. In the classroom visits we observed the subject blackboard being used to good effect to highlight the new and key vocabulary. It is also highlighted on geography displays across the school. The vocabulary progression document for geography specifies the vocabulary to be taught and the earlier acquired vocabulary to be embedded and reinforced. This is highly supportive to teacher planning and implementation of the geography curriculum.
The school is ambitious and has high expectations of all learners. Great care and attention is put on each learning environment to ensure it is accessible, engaging, supportive and enabling. All children are supported to achieve the same ambitious learning objectives in geography. Additional resources are provided where appropriate such as word banks, scaffolding and sentence stems. Teaching staff model responses skilfully – this was observed in the learning walk
Pupils discuss their learning in geography with confidence and accuracy. They can discuss how mountain ranges are formed and the science around tectonic plates. They understand climate adaptation. They demonstrate a wide range of knowledge of subject specific vocabulary relating to the topics they are covering in their learning. They remember topics they have previously learnt earlier in their learning. They enjoy developing their mapwork skills. They learn about climate change and the impact of this. They are curious about their learning and feel highly engaged with the curriculum choices that are taught. They value the retrieval tasks because this helps them to e their learning.
A learning walk around the school to see the geography curriculum in actions showed consistent high quality provision in both teaching and learning in geography. There is a consistency of approach observed in each class towards the teaching of geography. For example each class is using a subject blackboard which clearly identifies prior knowledge, cross curricular links and the new learning. Children are challenged in their learning and every second counts. Retrieval practice supports children to recognise connections in their learning. Teachers check consistently what children know and remember and use this formative assessment to build upon their prior learning. The deliberate and explicit teaching of vocabulary is observed to prioritised in every classroom and is sometimes reinforced through the specific retrieval tasks. Teaching assistants are observed to be highly skilled and supporting the learning in a highly effective manner. Questioning strategies prompt deeper thinking and reflection.
Great care is evidenced in the progressive planning and implementation of the geography curriculum. Staff are well supported by a highly skilled subject leader in the implementation of a high quality, relevant, ambitious curriculum that promotes high quality citizenship skills and personal responsibility. Learning environments are conducive to learning. Activities are well chosen and scaffolded skilfully to ensure all children, irrespective of barriers are enabled to achieve the same ambitious learning objectives. The scheme of choice has raised the pitch and subsequent level of achievement in geography. I was privileged to receive such a detailed insight of exceptional provision in geography in a primary school setting.
I think you will all agree this reads amazingly. The rest of the report was equally brilliant and it is lovely to receive such affirmation for all our hard work.
Science Deep Dive - January 2024
Linda Hardman (our school effectiveness adviser) visited our school and looked closely at our science provision across the school. Please find below, a snapshot of her comments:
The subject leader is a skilled and enthusiastic practitioner who is well placed to lead high quality standards in science teaching at the school. This was extremely well evidenced on this visit in every respect. The role of subject leader at Margaret Wix Primary School consists of providing a science curriculum that is engaging, exciting and subsequently pupils remember their learning. It is also about enabling all staff to feel confident and upskilled to meet the high expectations in the implementation of the curriculum. The subject leader models best practice for science recording and the impact of this could be observed in classrooms on this visit. The science leader ensures staff have ready access to resources required to deliver a high-quality science curriculum. Monitoring activities inform future planning through activities such as staff and pupil voice and book looks. Whole school and year group feedback is provided and this is tagged for the teaching assistants so that all can benefit and learn from the feedback. Careful and considered engagement takes place with the science link governor, who attended for the whole of this session.
The science scheme is Plymouth which has been personalised to “The Wix Way.” The school made the decision to implement this curriculum because they believe it to be an ambitious scheme providing children from early years through to year 6 with the opportunity to discover new learning by provoking curiosity, awe and wonder. Children learn through kinaesthetic approaches and this then embeds the learning in their memory. The curriculum is mapped for progression so that children build upon prior learning. Tier 3 subject specific vocabulary is explicitly taught as part of the science curriculum. This is very clearly mapped on the “Progression of Science Vocabulary “document and is reinforced on the science working walls, knowledge organisers and blackboards.
Pupils with SEND are supported to achieve the same ambitious endpoints. They access learning in a different way. Appropriate adaptations are made. Thoughtful use of science resources reinforce the learning. The barriers and solutions to science supports staff in strategies that enable adjustments to implementation of the science curriculum. There is a determination that every child will extend their scientific skills, knowledge and understanding, irrespective of any barriers to learning.
There are enrichment opportunities for science. This includes opportunities in assemblies where science learning is shared. Upper key stage 2 visit The Natural History Museum, key stage 1 pupils complete a local woodland walk seeking seeds, early years learners and year 1 pupils use the extensive school grounds for autumn and winter walks, using the outdoor area to consolidate their scientific leaning. A local scientific visitor enables children to learn more about minibeasts and habitats. Science week enables to the school to plan activities to achieve their sustainability goals and this includes well planned extensions to the pupils scientific learning.
Pupils are well placed to discuss their scientific learning at the school. Pupils are learning about plants and different parts of the flower. They know about the differences in sound and vibration from different objects. They have enjoyed learning about space and the different planets. They can measure the distance between the sun and planets and demonstrated a clear understanding of the size of planets. They enjoy designing and making periscopes and have knowledge about light saving lightbulbs and lasers.
Visits to classrooms across the school provided evidence of a high quality, inspirational science curriculum that is being implemented with rigour. The impact of the well-chosen activities extends the scientific learning for all children from entry to exit in the school. There is consistently high-quality teaching of science in every classroom at this school. The curriculum chosen is ambitious in content and high expectations are communicated in the implementation of the curriculum in every classroom.
The website representation of the scientific learning is of exceptional quality. Communication is engaging and clear and we gain insights through the photographic content of the exciting scientific opportunities the children are able to access.
The provision for science observed at Margaret Wix School is exceptional. Every element triangulates in a highly effective manner. This includes the quality of planning, teaching and learning, the specific teaching of subject specific vocabulary, the high level of ambition enacted in the classroom to ensure all children, including those with SEND or other barriers to learning, are supported to achieve the ambitious endpoints. Children progress their learning significantly and a high level of challenge is evidenced. The quality of information on the school website is highly robust, tailored to the audience and is a model of excellence to all other schools. The subject leader and the headteacher drive ambition in learning and their high expectations ensure that all children are supported to achieve the highest standards in their science learning.
Thank you to Mrs Ralph, who leads science brilliantly across the school. Thank you to all our other staff too who make sure that science is taught amazingly to ever year group and that the children at Margaret Wix are inspired each day by things that happen in the classroom. I am really very lucky to have the staff that I have at Margaret Wix Primary School and I am reminded of that every day by what I see going on across the school.
Rachel Macfarlane HFL Lead Adviser for Underserved Learners - previously Director of Education Services (February 2024)
Our school was selected by leaders at HFL Education to share the work we have done over the past few years to develop our curriculum, especially with regards to equality, diversity and inclusion, after taking part in the Great Representation Programme. Mrs Gibbs, Miss Abbott and Pupil Parliament representatives delivered a presentation to senior leaders from Hertfordshire schools who are taking part in the Great Representation Programme this year, as we did last year. After presenting for half an hour, we received great applause and feedback. Rachel Macfarlane, who leads the programme gave us the following written feedback:
"Your presentation totally stole the show yesterday! How amazing your pupils are! Everyone was super impressed and inspired. Lots of delegates said that they have taken away practical ideas for immediate implementation in their schools. You are doing such great work and having such wide-reaching impact. I hope you are proud of your work."
English Teaching and Learning Advisor from HfL (March 2024)
After seeing our Facebook post about year 6’s English project, English teaching and learning advisors from HfL got in touch and asked for permission to share it in their subject leaders network and on their website. They said, “We really were blown away by the quality of writing and the purposeful opportunity provided so that children write for a real, authentic reader. Well done to all involved.” Click here to see the original post for a glimpse at the great work.
At Margaret Wix Primary School, we have a well-organised and thought-out annual programme to ensure our governors get into school and see learning taking place. The governors also receive termly updates including pupil outcomes. Individual subject action plans are also shared with the governors. Additionally, our safeguarding governor attends school regularly as part of our fortnightly safeguarding meetings, working with our designated safeguarding leads, to ensure that she is abreast of any current situations, can offer advice and can be a critical friend to ensure that robust procedures are in place.
Please find some extracts from some of the visit forms below.
Computing Visit - January 2024
As usual, Mrs Arnott demonstrated excellent knowledge of and enthusiasm for her subject
- The Teach Computing syllabus continues to prove an excellent choice to the school and it is being well implemented, with clear progression from year to year
- There is definitely a greater awareness of and focus on computing as a subject within the school, when I first took on the subject link role. The Digital Leads will continue that positive progress.
Science Deep Dive - January 2024
Everywhere we went pupils were engaged, excited and happy to articulate their knowledge. Staff were well prepared and resources used were of high quality.
PHSE Visit - December 2023
The children are helped to see the school values through the teaching of PSHE curriculum, even in EYFS.
Even though oracy is a relatively new introduction the children are already becoming confident in challenging or building on the views of others.
The school has continued its subscription to Jigsaw so we have access to the parent portal and to the updates as they are added.
Safeguarding Visit - November 2023
Sense of unity in the team with the SCR looking in good order.
SEN Visit - October 2023
The SRP unit is looking good and nearly ready for children to arrive, just awaiting chairs.
The school was very calm and all children were engaged in their learning.
Children in reception were happy to speak to a visitor in their classroom.
English Visit - October 2023
Lots of energy from Miss Pott to make the Voice21 programme a success.
Clear understanding of where the children are and where help is needed.
Results are coming through from all the positive efforts being made.
Regular pupil voice surveys are carried out across all subject areas. Please find some of the children's comments below.