Margaret Wix Primary School
Through regular communications between class teachers and parents, information will be shared about a child’s progress. These might be conversations at parents evening, end of day quick chats, pre-arranged meetings with the SENCO or at Annual Reviews for children with EHCPs.
High expectations of every child coupled with skilled differentiation ensures that many children make expected or better than expected progress. If a teacher has a concern about your child’s progress, they will speak with you directly either after school or at parents evening to discuss your child’s progress and needs. Teachers use a range of assessment processes to monitor the progress children are making in all areas of the curriculum and pupils have regular opportunities to share how they think they are doing.
Where a child requires additional support parents are informed and targeted precision teaching is put in place. This support is monitored closely by both class teacher and SENCO and regularly modified. Most targeted precision teaching (please see additional glossary for definition pg.5.) groups take place over 1 or 2 terms and progress is reported back to parents at parent consultations or more regularly if needed. Parents of children with APDR plans will have termly meetings to agree targets and discuss next steps. Parents of children with PSPs normally have fortnightly meetings to discuss current provision and next steps.
All school based targeted precision teaching (TPT) groups are recorded on a provision map (see glossary for a description) which is monitored by the SENCO and SLT to ensure progress is being made and sessions are having a positive impact on pupils. The effectiveness of the school’s provision for children with SEND is evaluated, reported to governors and monitored by OFSTED. Class teachers, SENCO and SLT meet half termly to discuss the children’s development and allocate additional support through monthly pupil progress meetings and any relevant adjustments to TPT groups will be communicated with parents.