Margaret Wix Primary School
Communication between parents, class teachers, governors and the SLT are key in evaluating the effectiveness of provision for children. At Margaret Wix we welcome feedback from parents about the impact the support we offer their child, class teachers will share their opinions with parents at parents evening, or before if appropriate. Class teachers will also feedback to the SLT through half termly pupil progress meetings. The SENCO is part of the SLT and these discussions.
Children are assessed at the beginning of any support; this is called the baseline. Following the additional support, a further assessment is made – these can take many forms and can be presented not only in data, which is analysed by the SENCO to assess impact, but in other factors such as increased engagement or improved self-esteem. Impact of provision is monitored by the SENCO and reported to SLT and the SEND governor. If provision is not as effective as hoped it is changed and other strategies are tried. Provision is mapped across the school to ensure it is effective.
Termly pupil progress meetings are held with the class teacher, a member of SLT and the SENCO. Here we look at provision to ensure all pupils are making progress.
During termly APDR meetings, targets are reviewed and evaluated. If progress is not being made effectively then this is changed to ensure pupils are making progress.
Regular learning walks and ‘book looks’ are carried out by class teachers, subject leaders, SLT, the SENCO and the SEND Governor. Here provision for pupils with SEND is monitored alongside provision for all pupils to ensure its effectiveness.