Margaret Wix Primary School
Sustainability is an important issue for us at Margaret Wix Primary School. Through our curriculum, assemblies and visitors into school, we aim to raise further awareness of the effects of climate change and the need to protect our environment, ensuring we are global citizens. We work together to place sustainability at the heart of everything we do.
We have a eco warriors that meet regularly, which enables children and parents to take an active role in making the school ‘greener’. We also have environment ministers that form part of our ministerial team.
We want to raise awareness about:
Please find below some of the eco adventures we have been up to this year so far.
Sir David Attenborough’s inspirational message about the urgent need to address climate change has been set to music by former Lancashire and North Yorkshire headteacher Brian Beresford, as a completely free song for all schools and children.
A group of children from Whalley CE Primary School, Lancashire, was given the honour of recording the special song. During the project the children discussed climate change, as highlighted by Sir David, and the words used in the song, including, ‘There is a moment when we can change the world and make it better: this is the moment’. They also learnt about the recording process, including the way instruments have been mixed with their voices to produce a performance.
Brian explained that he wanted to help children to understand the climate emergency and to share Sir David’s inspiration with those singing and hearing the song. He said, “I hope the song reaches a wide audience that can also be inspired by Sir David’s message.”
The song is found on YouTube channel, by searching for ‘This is the Moment (Life on Earth)’. The direct link is There is also a separate backing track on YouTube
No-one will make financial gain from production of the song, which is a gift to all children.
Eco club have refilled the bird feeders around school today and we talked about the different birds that might come and visit and the ways we can increase diversity of wildlife in our school grounds.
Last year, we:
We created an action plan for how we will ensure we remain focused on the topics of eco and sustainability.
The key 3 actions are:-
1. Embed the vision for outdoor learning across the whole school through monitoring, evaluation and review, CPD and good maintenance of the woodland area.
2. To create a whole school outdoor learning event; Den Building Day! What a great success!
/ individual classes parental engagement activities in outdoor learning with a focus on sustainability -
3. To take steps towards achieving an Eco Schools Green Flag.
This year, we:
As per our Eco, Sustainability and Climate Action Plan, the 3 new key actions will be:
1. To maintain vision for outdoor learning across the whole school through monitoring, evaluation and review, CPD and good maintenance of the woodland area.
2. To plan another whole school / individual classes eco event and encourage parental engagement/invite them in.
3. Further embed the sustainable ethos across the school