Margaret Wix Primary School
This afternoon’s classroom looked a little different for Mrs Gibbs, Miss Abbott and some of our Pupil Parliament members - it was in fact a conference hall FULL of other headteachers and senior leaders from primary and secondary schools in Hertfordshire!
Our school was selected by leaders at HFL Education to share the work we have done over the past few years to develop our curriculum, especially with regards to equality, diversity and inclusion, after taking part in the Great Representation Programme.
Mrs Gibbs, Miss Abbott and the children delivered a presentation for half an hour that ended with great applause and fantastic feedback. One person was so impressed they actually asked if our pupils could head to Westminster to help our country’s real government! We are so proud of the children who spoke today: public speaking can be nerve-wracking, especially in such an unfamiliar environment, but they did brilliantly! 🤩 🗣️🎤
#TheWixWay #EqualityDiversityInclusion #PupilParliament #Oracy