Margaret Wix Primary School
Thank you to the many parents and carers who joined us across the school this afternoon for our open classroom event. The children love sharing their work with you and your support and feedback is always so valuable to us. See a summary of feedback below:
What I love about my child's books/child's learning:
It's great to see the progress in his learning since he joined this year
How far she has come
The books are reflecting the great work of my son and his teacher
I am so proud to see her progress and how amazing her writing is
How well she has done from September to now
It's so lovely to see his progression each term but also across the days/weeks
My child loves maths so much
How amazing she is!
That there is a vast amount covered
The subjects and activities the children cover
Lots of challenges!
Seeing how lovely his handwriting is
The different activities the children do
I can see she is improving
The confidence she is developing
Seeing the journey of her learning
So much variety in the books
It is full of exciting stuff
Seeing the variety of subject and topics covered
I love the fact that the children are correcting their mistakes
What I have learnt through spending time in my child's classroom:
A warm and welcoming atmosphere that encourages learning
How proud she is of her own learning
I have learnt that coming into the classroom matters. She is so proud to show me around and I'm very proud
How the environment is set out for and how she learns
I have learned how much his writing has come on from the start of term
She is doing well in all subject areas
The learning environment is so lovely - the teacher was so helpful in giving me guidance
Very organised
How busy she is!
That he has a lots of time to see and learn new things
She is so proud about the learning
It gives me a good insight into what he is learning and doing
What my child tell me about their learning:
He told me about all the subjects he enjoys
Wonderful school, small classes and individual attention
What he is doing every day in school
She was very happy to show me
Geography and history is her favourite - she enjoys it very much
She could tell me what her pictures were
She love art and maths
She loves all of it
She loves learning but her favourite is maths
So much - we could have been there all night!
Explained "adaptations" (Darwin) to me
What I love about Margaret Wix Primary School:
I love that MWPS is a very inclusive school - it is my son's happy place.
I love the music concerts and devotion of all teachers, staff and the headteacher and Scout!
All teachers understand that all children are different
It is such a warm school
Celebrating each child!
Good teaching and learning skills
A very close family - love the photographs on Facebook
Very nurturing towards the children
Kids feel secure and happy
He is in a small class, so he is close to his classmates and teachers
Very caring staff - friendly pupils!
Inclusive, kind and caring
I love the fact that Mrs Gibbs knows all the children and it feels like a big family
How well they have helped her to settle
That the children are valued and do so many different things
So caring and understanding
Everything! The support he gets is amazing and so evident with how far he's come in only 3 months of school so far
All the opportunities
Very intimate and my son has come very far in a short term
They are very dedicated to all the kids no matter the background
Teachers and the headteacher are so kind
It is a loving school
The Open Classrooms!
Everything! You are wonderful
They are very proud of their work
The teachers are passionate and approachable
How the school values each child and traditions
The great teachers and community
Everything! The best school ever for our daughter!
The parental engagement
Everything - it's such a special school!
Please write below ways in which you think we could improve our parental engagement:
Open Classrooms more often
More workshops with the children
Thank you all for your continuous support
What else? All is 100% as it is!
I am very happy with all the involvement and communication
Nothing - everything is great
I have been very impressed with parental engagement
Streamlined communication from the office
Love more help with homework
Christmas Show was amazing
Everything - good all round!
More in class visits