Margaret Wix Primary School
On Monday 21st March, the pupils and staff at Margaret Wix Primary School took part in "Reach Out for Refugees Day" along with many other schools across St Albans and beyond.
The day began with much excitement as the children arrived dressed in blue and yellow, matching the colours of the Ukrainian flag. In exchange for wearing their own clothes, the children donated a coin, which was put aside ready for an activity later in the day. During the day, the children took part in a variety of learning opportunities which culminated in a coin trail. Each class added their coins to the trail, which represented the trail refugees would need to take as they made their way to safety. The children were reminded that the journey refugees were forced to take were often very long - a lot longer than our trail!
The children were incredibly respectful throughout the day and reflected well on what it meant to be a refugee. And we are now in the Herts Ad too...
(photographs by Stephen Boffey)